IBM App Connect SaaS

During my 12-month internship, I was offered the chance to take on my own piece as UX designer, through to visual and handovers. In this breakdown I showcase the App Connect SaaS Log Viewer enhancements.

8 weeks
brief overview


"As Sarah, I want to be able to filter logs by integration runtime so that I can more easily diagnose issues using the built in log viewer."

Additional columns

Adding an additional column for integration runtime causes the error message to be small, requirement is that messages need to displayed full-sized: need solution for this.

Filter by integration runtimes

Customers are unable to filter their log instances by integration runtime which causes confusion for users to diagnosis issues; increasing support calls.


In order to design effectively for our customers, I designed with our user-personas in mind*.
Whilst the research was supplied by IBM research**, competitive analysis was gathered by myself.

*Personas have been altered to retain IBM confidentiality. **Research provided by IBM has not been included in this breakdown.


Business Technologist

Sarah develops solutions for her company using technology such as analytical tools to help businesses streamline operations, improve efficiency, and drive growth.


Software Engineer

Mike works for a company where his role involves developing and testing. Making it easier for his company to utilises automated technology and software.

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